Bezier: Second Edition Switch Review: Easter Eggs
A classic shooter with a self-aware presence, here's a Bezier Second Edition Switch Review - out now.
Yaga PC Review: You Got The Moves Like Yaga
Slavic folklore rears its head in Yaga, an RPG adventure out now, featuring a one-handed blacksmith (not a euphemism).
The Pillar Puzzle Escape Switch Review: A Pillar For The Puzzle Community
The Pillar Puzzle Escape is as puzzling as it is a tongue twister.
Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest Switch Review
A Odysseus Kosmos And His Robot Quest Switch review, out now for all you point and clickers.
The Innsmouth Case Switch Review: A Bit Of A Squamous Plaice
Love (ha) or hate him, H.P. Lovecraft has inspired plenty of games, in this case a text-based sleuth: The Innsmouth Case.
Bomber Crew Switch Review: Bombs Away, Old Chap
Before Space Crew was something a little more closer to Earth: Bomber Crew.
Fantasy Friends Switch Review: Make Believe Friends
A family-friendly Tamogotchi-like title, Fantasy Friends is now available on the Switch and teaches kids how to look after (fantasy) animals.
Ponpu PS4 Review: Quack Before Thy God
Bite the wing that feeds you as you deceive the almighty Duck God in Ponpu, a multiplayer Bomberman-like experience.